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A joint federal/state program that pays medical assistance for people with low incomes or very high medical bills relative to their income and assets. Medicaid is the primary payer of long-term care in our nation.
The federal health insurance program for people age 65 or older, and for some younger people with a disability. Medicare does not pay for long-term care.
Memory Care Facility
Memory care facilities are senior care communities that offer special services for the cognitively impaired. People with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease often need specialized services that are provided in either whole memory care facilities or special memory care units inside senior care environments.
Mobility Assistance Device

Any device designed or adapted to help people with physical or emotional disorders to preform actions, tasks and activities. Check Out Our Mobility Products Here >>

Bath Safety for aging adults and senior citizens
fashionable walking canes for men and women
ELDERLUXE Gift Certificate for seniors