My wife and I are beginning to have hearing loss. This device solved two problems for us.
1. We live in a house where our living room and kitchen are one large room. Often times, we are watching the TV in our living room, while in the kitchen 25 feet away. In order to hear the TV, we had to increase the volume to an uncomfortable level in the house. This is especially undesirable when I want to watch the morning news and my wife is trying to sleep in.
2. We were missing lines spoken in shows we were watching. Often the lines were critical to the plot or story. Missing lines or misunderstanding lines was ruining the enjoyment of watching TV. This device delivered the sound to the table between our chairs or into the kitchen and renewed our enjoyment of watching our TV. In the summer, I often take the device outside to have a cigar and watch a ballgame through the large sliding doors.
I have recommended this device to several friends and they all have purchased it and love it!